Saturday, April 6, 2013

DIY Lip Scrub

After the Winter months it's time to reveil those gorgeous lips hiding beneath all of that dead skin! How could you do this? You need some vaseline, sugar, and a q-tip, toothbrush, or your fingers! Apply some vaseline to your lips, then apply some sugar onto them. Now, you can decide how you would like to scrub, you could use a q-tip, toothbrush, or your fingers. Once you figured out what you're using to scrub your lips with, scrub your lips for 1-2 minutes. Then, take a tissue and wipe off any vaseline remaining on your lips. You should now have soft lips. Apply some lip balm, even if your lip balm is vaseline, apply some fresh vaseline onto your lips. You should do this maybe once or even twice a week.

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