Friday, April 5, 2013

DIY Facial Mask: Egg Whites

I bet that all of us have wanted a really great working facial mask. But, the ones that they sell at stores are usually quite pricey. Here Beauty in a Bottle Fashion is going to have a series of DIY face masks. This here is the first edition:

Yes, egg whites can help your face in so many different ways. It tightens your skin, pulls oils out of your pores, and removes and helps whiteheads. All you do is take a bowl, crack an egg, and pour the whites into the bowl.(It doesn't matter if the egg is white or brown)
Make sure no yolk gets into the bowl. Then, take a fork and beat the egg. After that pull your hair back and apply the egg to your face. You could use a brush or just your fingers. Leave it on your face for 15-20 minutes. When you feel your face feel like paper-mache just wash off the egg. You should have soft and glowing skin. If you do this enough, some acne and other scars will begin to fade. Who would've thought? Egg whites are extremely beneficial for your skin.

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